Sex Therapy

Sex Therapy for Men

Sexuality is a subject many folks do not feel they are allowed to explore or have questions about. Many of us experience shame or confusion surrounding our sexual experiences and do not know where to turn or who to confide in. Sex therapy for men is a place where we can discuss complex sexual topics without feeling stigmatized or judged. 

Finding a male licensed therapist who has advanced training in Sex Therapy in Denver, Colorado can be hard.  Learn more about how to find the top sex therapist for men. 

What to Expect

To start, we take an extensive history of family, relationships, and sexuality. This can include assessment of values surrounding sexual behavior, sexual fantasies, discussing desire, arousal, or orgasm, coming of age experiences surrounding sexuality, and attitudes/beliefs around sex. This will all happen at your pace, my style is to meet the you where you are at. Sex therapy for men is all about safety, confidentiality and support. 

During this process, we are able to explore your individual relationship to sex while also exploring outside systemic factors (culture, family dynamics, trauma) that may influence you. We will take a deeper look at what you are looking to get out of therapy and create goals that align with you. A sex therapist is a trained sexuality and mental health professional – there is no touch or sexual activity involved in the therapy. 

What We Can Talk About in Sex Therapy

  • Sexual Dysfunction (ED)
  • LGBTQ+ topics (gender dysphoria, transitions, “coming out”)
  • Sexual desire (different desire than partner, or “low desire”)
  • Sexual functioning
  • Sexual shame
  • Kink/BDSM
  • Polyamory/non-monogamy
  • Sexual anxiety
  • Sexual trauma
  • Out-of-control sexual behavior (sexual compulsivity, porn addiction)
  • Infidelity

Meet Our Sex Therapist – Justin Friel, LMFT

As a therapist who understands sexual diversity I help men who experience shame surrounding sexuality to explore their sexual identities to create healthy relationships and sexuality.