
Man walking outdoors, promoting mindfulness in men's therapy.

What is mindfulness?

You may have heard the word mindfulness being spoken about in different circles, say that friend of a friend who talks endlessly about “Yoga”. Or maybe seen articles offering mindfulness tips on various social media networks.

As it’s becoming increasingly popular more and more people are incorporating mindfulness into their daily lives. But mindfulness is more than just the latest buzzword. It involves using different techniques to center your self. We know from a ton of modern research studies that it helps to relieve stress and anxiety.

Mindfulness is all about awareness.

Being aware of your breathing and body in the moment. Focusing your thoughts on small thing instead of the big, overwhelming thoughts that dominate everyday life. It is also about acceptance. Allowing your mind to wander and gently redirecting it back without judgment or thoughts of failure.

While mindfulness had become more increasingly popular as of late, the majority of proponents are still women. Up to two thirds in fact. However, there are many good reasons for men to engage in mindfulness practices as well.

There are various different opinions of what the benefits of mindfulness are, with some articles listing different things than others. However, there is a near consensus on the benefits with regards to the reduction of stress.

Mindfulness helps men become more aware of and in tune with their emotions.

This is a huge benefit in today’s changing social landscape where men’s roles are changing drastically. Emotions are becoming less taboo and more mainstream as a greater understanding of both sexes is emerging. In addition to this as the world changes around us factors causing and relating to stress are increasing. Anyways we can find to reduce stress and anxiety are worth looking into.

There are many benefits of incorporating mindfulness practices into daily life.

These include things like decreased stress and increased immune response. Increased attention and lower levels of anxiety are also found in those who use mindfulness meditation. Children and teens for are taught mindfulness show an increase in academic performance and for college students a reduction in self-destructive coping methods.

Mindfulness also enhances social skills and the ability to build lasting positive relationships. There are also physiological benefits such as an increase in neuroplasticity. The wide range of positive outcomes goes on, one thing is clear, meditation has been practiced for thousands of years to the benefit of many people across the world.


Three-minute mindfulness exercise:

Find a quiet spot in your office or home. Pause and take a deep breath and place your feet flat on the floor. Really FEEL your feet in contact with the ground underneath you.

Now place your hands on your stomach and take 2-3 slow, deep breaths, noticing your stomach rising and falling with each in and out breath.

And when you feel comfortable, close your eyes.

Now, as you keep breathing deeply into your stomach, Breathe in for a count of 5, then hold your breath for a count of 5, and breathe out slowly for a count of 5. And keep breathing, in for 5, hold for 5, out for 5.[Pause for about 1 minute]

Great. Now slowly bring your attention back to the room, noticing the sounds around you and begin to open your eyes [pause].

So, how are you feeling?


Mindfulness may sound like a buzzword or pop culture hokum. But there are many studies that show the benefits. The more men get involved in this movement the easier it will be to spread the word and share these practices with each other. The many benefits are reason enough to consider it. After all, if you can spend ten minutes in the drive-through for coffee first thing in the morning, why not take ten minutes every day to focus on your mental health. Mindfulness and meditation can help achieve that and bring an array of benefits for the body and mind. Consider contacting Denver Men’s Therapy to learn more about mindfulness and counseling. 

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