Addiction Therapy
Substance Disorder: When Alcohol and Drugs Get in the Way
Do you find it difficult to stop drinking, using drugs of any kind? You might tell yourself you can stop any time you want, but find it difficult? Have you tried to stop using pornography but find you can’t? You are not alone. This is a common problem many men face. The good news is there is help.
How do you know if you have a substance disorder? Substance use disorder (SUD), formerly known as addiction or substance abuse, occurs when you continue to use a substance or multiple substances knowing it’s potentially life-threatening. SUD can also affect your work and cause a severe strain on relationships with loved ones. If you are struggling with substance abuse, please reach out so we can help before it gets worse.
Denver Men’s Therapy’s Substance Use Disorder Specialist:
Tech Addiction is on the rise and since the average person spends 3 hours a day on his phone, technology addiction is not going away anytime soon. Most of us are dependent on technology, this addiction is different from other forms of addictions .